| |
Category | The category of the expense. May contains either - OPEX - operating expense
- SALARY - position
- CAPEX - capital expenditure
- FINEX - financial expenditure
Type | The type of an expense or the title of a position |
Name | Contains The name of the expense/position |
Reporter | The reporter for the expense/position. |
Start date | The date on which the expense occurred or if recurring or a position the starting date. |
End date | The date on which the expense/position stops. |
Amount | The amount of the expense |
Amortized | Indicate if the expense is amortized or not. May contains either - TRUE - if amortized
- Nothing - if not amortized
Frequency | The frequency of the recurring expense. May contains either - WEEKLY
- Nothing if ONCE
Repeat every | The "repeat frequency" for the recurring expenses |
Occurrences | The maximum number of occurrences for the recurring expenses. |
Repeat on | Days of the week the recurring expense occurred (only when frequency is set to WEEKLY) May contains a combination of the following values - SU - for Sunday
- MO - for Monday
- TU - for Tuesday
- WE - for Wednesday
- TH - for Thursday
- FR - for Friday
- SA - for Saturday
Repeat by | The monthly recurring expenses occurred - (only when frequency is set to MONTHLY) May contains either:
- DAY OF MONTH - for the recurrence to be based on the day of the month
e.g. Monthly on day 31 - DAY OF WEEK - for the recurrence to be based on the week day
e.g. Monthly on the first Tuesday
Effort | The effort planned for the position (in hours) |
Wage | The wage for each position (hourly rate). |
Allocation | The allocation planned for the position (%) |