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| In FOLIO, the billable hours is the Billable hours are the amount of regular hours that was were spent working on items of the folioFolio's scope which are billed or can be billed or is capable of being billed. In association with the rate, they are an essential part of the revenues for consulting services companies.The billable hours can either be:Entered manually (see add, edit and delete billable hours)Automatically computed based on the wage table and the billable ratio.
Image Removed Based on the JIRA worklogs on which we apply the billable ratio. Will be driven by the member's logged work on the issues part of the foliohow consulting revenues are calculated. Billable Hours CalculationBillable hours can be computed in many ways, from manual entry to automatically through standard work logs or Tempo. Manual entryBillable hours can be added, edited and deleted manually. Automatic based on Wages tableBy default, billed hours are derived from the resource allocation percentage (as defined in the Wages table of the Team member) and the billable ratio defined for the consulting revenue. Image Added Automatic based on JIRA's worklogIf the Sync with Worklogs button is pushed, then billable hours are derived from the hours logged in JIRA on which the billable ratio is applied. In this case, billable hours are driven by the work that is logged on issues that are part of the Folio's scope and within its time frame. Image Modified Info |
Since most of the timesheets add-ons such as Tempo populate the JIRA Worklogs, FOLIO is fully compatible with these add-ons. | Based Automatic based on the Tempo billed hours on which we apply the billable ratio. Will be driven by the member's billed hours on the issues part of the folioA Folio can be configured to get billed hours specified in the Tempo Timesheet add-on. Billable ratio defined in the consulting revenue is applied to billed hours defined in Tempo. Only billed hours spent on issues that are part of the Folio's scope and within its time frame . You just need to check the "are taken into account. Activate Tempo billed hours synchronization by checking the Synchronise with the Tempo billed hours " in the Accounting tab of the folio's configuration. Image Modified info |