The Planned Revenues page allows you to enter all Consulting and Non-consulting revenues you expect the Folio will generate during its lifespan. Non-consulting revenues are added to one of two main categories: Operating or Non-operating. Non-consulting revenues can be single occurrence or recurrent ones. Consulting revenues are the team positions you plan will do work that will be billed and generate revenue, such as Developer #1, Technical Coach #1 , etc. Consulting revenues are categorized as Operating. Information entered here will be used to provide project health metrics on the Overview page and shown as a reference on the Revenues Forecast chart. Image Removed Image Added
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| NonConsulting |
| NonConsulting |
| Non-consulting revenuesThe Planned Revenues page shows the planned calculated income for each non-consulting revenue and non-consulting revenue groups (by type). You can collapse (or expand) a group of revenues by clicking the triangle icon ( ) next to the type name. See the Non-Consulting Revenues page for more information and learn how their income is calculated. Anchor |
| AddNonConsulting |
| AddNonConsulting |
| Planning a non-consulting revenueTo add a non-consulting revenue, either click the Plan Revenue button or hit the a (for add) shortcut key. This brings up the edition dialog. Refer to the Editing an Non-Consulting Revenue section to learn how to fill the edition dialog. Check the Plan another box at the bottom of the dialog in order to create many revenues in sequence. Include Page |
| Revenue Operations |
| Revenue Operations |
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| CopyExpenseToActual |
| CopyExpenseToActual |
| Copying a non-consulting revenue to actualSelect an existing non-consulting revenue to copy to actual by clicking on it and then either click on the ... menu on the top-right part of the details panel (on righthand side of the screen) and select the Copy to actual option or hit the t (for to Actual) shortcut key. This will copy the selected revenue to actual, including its attached files. You can copy multiple non-consulting revenues to actual at once by selecting them and then copy the selected revenues the same way you copy a single one. The confirmation message informs you of how many revenues have been copied. Consulting RevenuesPlanned Consulting revenues are the revenues from billed worked hours that the Folio is planned to generate. They are operating revenues. Consulting revenues are grouped by title (e.g. Developer, Architect, Q&A). You can collapse (or expand) a group of revenues by clicking the triangle icon ( ) next to the title's name. See Consulting Revenues for more information Planning a consulting revenueTo plan a consulting revenue, either click the Plan Consulting Revenue button or hit the o shortcut key. This brings up an edition dialog. Check the Plan another box at the bottom of the dialog in order to create many revenues in sequence. Image Removed