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| AddConsultingRevenue |
| AddConsultingRevenue |
| Adding a consulting revenueTo budget a position, either click the Create Consulting Revenue button or hit the "o" (for consulting) shortcut key. This brings a consulting revenue edition dialog. Check the "create another" box at the bottom of the dialog in order to create many revenues in sequence. Image Added
The following table describes the various fields of the consulting revenue edition dialog Team member | The JIRA user associated with this consulting revenue. The same JIRA user can be associated with many different consulting revenues, each one potentially associated to a different rate and position title. |
Title | The title that will be used to group consulting revenues together. While it is not required to reuse the same types as Budget and Actual, it can be useful for reporting purpose as many reports let you perform comparisons for selected types and titles. While typing in this field, titles entered previously for other positions and consulting revenues that match what you typed will be suggested to you for completion to help you avoid typos and duplications. Examples: Developer, Q&A, Management, etc. |
Billable Ratio | The default proportion of the worked hours by the team member that are billable (and thus that should automatically be converted to revenue. For example, if the JIRA user associated with the consulting revenue has worked 100 hours to date on that folio's issues, and its billable ratio is 80%, then the calculated consulting revenue to date will be 80 hours x rate. |
From | Date starting from which this consulting revenue becomes effective. |
To | Date until which this consulting revenue remains effective. |
Rate | The hourly amount of money this consulting revenue generates. The rate, along with worked hours and billable ratio, determine how much revenue it has generated at a given date. |
Description | An optional, free form description of the position. |
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| EditConsultingRevenue |
| EditConsultingRevenue |
| Editing a consulting revenueSelect an existing consulting revenue to modify by clicking on it and then either click on the drop-down menu on the top-right part of the details view (on righthand side of the screen) and select the Edit option or hit the "e" (for edit) shortcut key. This will bring up the consulting revenue edition dialog. For a detailed description of the edition dialog, refer to Adding a consulting revenue section. Anchor |
| DeleteConsultingRevenue |
| DeleteConsultingRevenue |
| Deleting a consulting revenueSelect an existing consulting revenue to delete by clicking on it and then either click on the drop-down menu on the top-right part of the details view (on righthand side of the screen) and select the Delete option or hit the "d" (for delete) shortcut key. This will bring up a dialog to confirm deletion. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion, or Cancel link to abort deletion. Deletion is permanent, thus make sure you really want to delete a consulting revenue before proceeding. You can delete multiple consulting revenues or even a mix of consulting and other revenues at once by selecting multiple lines in the Revenue browser (by pressing and holding the Control key while clicking the consulting and non-consulting revenues to delete). You can then delete the selected revenues the same way you delete a single revenue. Note that in this case, the deletion confirmation will inform you of how many items are about to be deleted. Anchor |
| ConsultingRevenueCalculation |
| ConsultingRevenueCalculation |
| Consulting revenue calculationThe Revenue page shows the calculated revenues to date for each consultant and consultant groups (by title). The revenue of a consultant is calculated by multiplying her billable hours by her rate. Code Block |
Consulting revenue(date) = Billable hours(date) x Rate |
Note that the number of billable hours is determined by the number of worked hours associated with the consultant (as shown in the Team page) and the billable ratio of the consulting revenue. For instance, a consultant who worked 100 hours to date in a folio and has an 80% billable ratio will have 80 billable hours to date, by default. Billable hours can be overridden in the Details panel under billable hours by clicking on the number of hours calculated. Read the Billable Hours page for all the details about billable hours calculations. Code Block |
Billable hours(date) = Worked hours(date) x Billable ratio |
The revenue displayed on group title rows is simply the sum of the consulting revenues in that group. Anchor |
| ConsultingRevenueDetails |
| ConsultingRevenueDetails |
| Consulting revenue detailsWhen selecting a consulting revenue on the Revenue page, more information on it is displayed in the details panel on the right. This panel shows the consulting revenue detailed information: - Avatar, Name and Title
- Rate
- Billable effort
- Revenue to date
- Reporter (the user who added the consulting revenue)
- Description
- Billable hours
- Attached files
Anchor |
| AttachFileConsultingRevenue |
| AttachFileConsultingRevenue |
| Attaching files to consulting revenuesYou can attach files to a consulting revenue in order to keep related documents handy (bills, resumes, etc.). To attach files to a consulting revenue, select it and then click button Attach Files in the details panel on the right. This will bring up a dialog where you can pick a file (or multiple files simultaneously, if your browser allows it) and enter an optional comment. |