The Earned Value report presents the a comparison of earned value with planned and actual expenses, broke down by specified periods of time. To access this report, click on the Report tab or hit the tab number ('5') and then click on the 'View report' button next to the Earned Value report preview. This will bring up the report with the first day of the current month as the default start (From) date and today's date as the default end (To) date. The report will be automatically refreshed when one of its parameters changes. This report is available for folios and portfolios The report first presents a bar chart showing three bars for each selected period: a blue bar indicating the earned value, a green bar indicating the planned expenses, a another bar indicating actual. The actuals are either costs (red bars) or revenues (yellow bars) depending on folio's accounting configuration. Hovering the bars will open a tooltip showing the precise amounts. The dates labels on x-axis can be clicked to navigate to the detailed planned, actual and earned value information for the period ending on that date.
Earned Value chart Detailed information for all periods follow the chart. Each of these sections shows the list of planned and actual payments, ordered alphabetically and grouped by category (OPEX, CAPEX or FINEX) and then by types (or position titles). The earned value for that period appears in a lozenge in the heading on the right. A green lozenge indicates a earned value over planned value (earned ≥ planned) and a red lozenge indicates the opposite (earned < planned).
Detailed period section
Configuring the reportTo change the period covered by the report, simply set the dates in the 'From' and 'To' fields to whatever dates you want. The actual period considered will span from the latest of folio's start date and the date entered in "From" field (expenses defined to occur before the folio start won't be taken into account). You can specify which frequency the report should use to break down the overall period. For example, selecting Monthly frequency will show you earned values and expenses broke down by calendar months. Select "Total" value in the Frequency to get earned value and all expenses for the complete period, with no break down. You can finally limit the considered payments to a certain number of types and/or position titles. Simply select/deselect the types you are interested in and the report will be instantly refreshed to reflect the new selection. Selecting or deselecting a category will cause the list of available types and position titles to be updated accordingly. See the table below for detailed information about report parameters.
Earned Value report parameters
Earned Value report parameters details Printing the reportSelecting the "Printable" item in the report's action menu found at the top right of the report's parameters panel to get a printer-friendly version of the report.
Printable version of the report Exporting to ExcelThe Earned Value report can be exported to Excel format to give you all the latitude you need to further digest, analyze or graph the data. Do it by selecting the "Export to Excel" item in the report's action menu found at the top right of the report's parameters panel. The parameters that were used to generate the report can be found on the second tab of the generated spreadsheet Excel export of the report | Related pages: |