Multiple selections

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

Multiple selections

One Interesting FOLIO feature id the Multi-Selection option. In Budget and Actual this allow you to select any positions or expenses and FOLIO will display the selection summary in the details panel

In the budget page this will summarized the total planned value of the selected items. In the Actual page this will summarize the total cost up to date of the selected items. You may also by pressing "d"

delete all selected items.


  • Selecting multiple ungrouped expenses or positions (i.e. expenses or positions that are not adjacent to each other) — Hold down 'CTRL' (or 'command' for mac users) on your keyboard and click to select the desired expense or position.
  • Selecting multiple grouped expenses or positions (i.e. expenses or positions adjacent to each other) — Click an expense or a position, hold down 'SHIFT' on your keyboard and click another expense or position above or below the first one. All expenses or positions between and including the expense or position you clicked will be selected.
  • Multiple selection can also be done by clicking an expense or a position,hold down 'SHIFT' and press "j' to select next item(s) or 'k' to select previous item(s)