Portfolio Configuration

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

Portfolio Configuration

The Configuration

The configuration of a portfolio can easily be  accessed via the "Configure" menu item of the "Cog" menu at the top right of your FOLIO pages. It can also be accessed via the "Configure" link of a portfolio listed in the Manage screen. ONLY the owner of the FOLIO will have the rights to update any fields of the portfolio's configuration.


  • From the "Configure" link when in the Manage Portfolios page (from FOLIO Menu > Manage portfolios)

  • From the "Cog" menu when you are in a portfolio (from Tool cog > Configure)


Portfolio Basic Information



Associated board is the GreenHopper board (Scrum, Kanban or DIY) associated to the portfolio.
Most of the configuration settings of the portfolio will be driven by the board's configuration settings such as:

  • The query of the saved filter defining the scope of the portfolio will be synchronized with the board's saved filter query - will be editable only via the board's configuration
  • The Earning field will be initially set with the Estimation field defined by the board - can be overridden
  • The Earned Issues will be synchronized with the last column mapping of the board - will be editable only via the board's configuration
  • The Hours per day will be synchronized with the board's hours per day - will be editable only via the board's configuration
  • The Week days will be synchronized with the board's week days - will be editable only via the board's configuration
  • The  None working dates will be synchronized with the board's hours per day - will be editable only via the board's configuration

Remote Agent is a JIRA user that will have the same rights as the portfolio's owner. It is to allow any remote systems to access the portfolio in read and write mode so that it can push any data such as expenses into the portfolio.


FOLIO supports GreenHopper 6.1.1 and higher only.
If FOLIO does not have Agile enabled you can enable it via the action cog at the top right of your FOLIO's configuration screen.
To be able to link boards to your portfolio you must be able to see at least one GreenHopper board.

Owner is the owner of the board. The owner is the only person with the permissions to add, remove or update expenses, positions or team members.


Changing owner does not automatically set new owner rights to the saved filter. Therefore you must give the proper saved filter rights to the new owner (see 'Sharing a filter' section from JIRA saved filters documentation).

Start date and End date defines the boundaries of the portfolio.


Portfolio Visibility & Security

The portfolio is always visible to its owner.  It can be shared in "read-only" by simply sharing the JIRA saved filter defined under the scope section (see 'Sharing a filter' section from the JIRA saved filters documentation). The owner is the only person with the permissions to add, remove or update expenses, positions or team members.


In the case where the JIRA filter or the owner of a portfolio was removed from JIRA, all JIRA administrators will gain access to the portfolio so that a new JIRA filter or owner can be re-assigned.


Earning rules

The earning rules will dictate when the tasks will be considered as earned and which field will be used to weight the task.

Earned Value Field

The Earned value field is the numeric parameter that FOLIO will use to determine the earned value of an issue.
For instance:

  • Original Estimate: The number of estimated hours will be used.
  • Issue count: Every issue will have the same earn value.
  • Any other JIRA Numeric custom fields: The value of the field will be used. (See how to add custom field)

Earned Issues

The Earned Issues defines the state that an issue needs to meet to be considered as earned.
One or more JIRA statuses can be part of the earned issue definition.
If no statuses are selected FOLIO will consider issues earned if these a flagged as resolved.




Worked hours

By default FOLIO will evaluate the worked hours of a team member based on its availability defined in the member's wage table.
The owner can manually override the computed hours with a specific value for a specific period for each team member via the worked hours table.
If JIRA is used to track time spent on the issues (using JIRA itself or any other Time tracking add-ons such as Tempo) FOLIO can be set to retrieve the team members worked hours directly from the issue worklogs by enabling the "Synchronize with JIRA's work logs" option.
Note that all team members will be synchronized with JIRA's work logs by default. This setting can be overwritten individually directly from the Team page.


Management reserve is for unforeseen risks.  It is a percentage of the total budget.


Contingency is for known risks. It is a percentage of every expense's payment.


Tolerance percentage for the portfolio's performance indices.
It defines a warning state (yellow) for the indices before turning hot red!  


Defines the currency that will be used across the portfolio.


  Working Days

Unless that the portfolio is associated to an Agile board, the hours per week, the week days and the non-working dates can be defined per portfolio via the Working Days tab. FOLIO will use these settings in most of its evaluations, forecasts and charts.





Hours per Day

Number of working hours per day (Default JIRA Hours per Day settings)

Working Days

Working days per week (Default JIRA Days per Week settings)

Non-Working Dates

A non-working date such as a public holiday.


GreenHopper Integration

FOLIO automatically detects GreenHopper when starting up. Although if FOLIO fails to connect to GreenHopper you can force the connection with the "Enable Agile Support" menu item from the configuration action menu in the top right corner.




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