Kitologic is proud to announce the release of FOLIO 3.5, Folio's biggest release since its launch.
Folio 3.5 introduces the report section with the two most requested reports:
The Steering Committee Report that presents a summary of the portfolio's status using various financial and health metrics at a given point in time.
The Expense Report that presents a uniform and accurate report of expenses for a given time frame.
This release also includes a number of improvements and fixes.
- FOLIO-96Getting issue details... STATUS
- FOLIO-99Getting issue details... STATUS
- FOLIO-100Getting issue details... STATUS
- FOLIO-104Getting issue details... STATUS
- FOLIO-107Getting issue details... STATUS
- FOLIO-108Getting issue details... STATUS
Bug Fixes
- FOLIO-103Getting issue details... STATUS
- FOLIO-106Getting issue details... STATUS