Available at the portfolios and folios level. Expense ReportThe Expenses report presents a uniform and accurate report of expenses or revenues for a given time frame. The report can be generated for both planned or actual expenses as well as revenues in a variety of ways by setting any or all of the many parameters it offers. And as you can expect, you can get a printable version of it using the report's action menu or by hitting "p" while consulting it.
Report Parameters
Menu Options
Printable VersionExport to ExcelThe Expenses report can be exported to Excel format. It will give you all the latitude you need to further digest, analyze or graph the data. Do it by selecting the "Export to Excel" item in the report's action menu found on the top right of the report's parameters panel. The parameters that were used to generate the report can be found on the second tab of the generated spreadsheet
Expense custom fields Note that in the above example Invoice # and P.O. # in this example are user defined Actual expenses custom fields
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