FOLIO 3.2 Release Notes

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

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FOLIO 3.2 Release Notes


Kitologic announces the release of FOLIO 3.2, enabling you to:

This release also includes a number of improvements and fixes.

Simulate costs scenarios by specifying targets

You can now make costs simulations from the Forecast screen. This allows you to answer questions such as:

  • "What the final cost would be if the portfolio was to end on April 1st?" 
  • "How many people I would need to hire to get 80% of our backlog done by the end of the current portfolio end date?"

In the right side panel, find the Cost Simulator section. Enter a target end date for the portfolio, a target earned value or both, and then click the Simulate button. You will get estimates in cost and effort required to get the target earned value done at the target end date, given your current performance measurement and known future costs.

The forecast chart will also show an "X" indicating what the final cost would be at the target end date.


Create a sample portfolio for evaluation

Currently evaluating FOLIO? You can now create a sample portfolio, complete with budget, actual and team filled with sample data - with a simple click. From the Getting Started page (accessible at any time through the FOLIO drop-down), there is now a link to Create a sample portfolio. Clicking on it will prompt you to enter a project name and a user that will own it. Upon confirmation, a project with issues will be created with a fully functional portfolio, as it would look like midway through the project. Use it to explore all the cool features of FOLIO without bothering to fill the required data. Add more expenses, delete or change the data and see how it impacts metrics and forecast. See it in action and fall in love!

Copy expenses from budget to actual

You don't want to bother copying every budgeted expense that becomes an actual one? Easy! Select one or more expenses in the budget and hit "t"! (or click the "Copy to actual" option in the contextual drop-down menu of the expense details panel). Go to the Actual page to see the expenses that were just copied, complete with their attachments.

Attach files to any team positions

You could already attach files to budget and actual expenditures. You can now attach files to any team position from the Team page. Useful to attach a job description to an unassigned position or attach a resume to a team member, for example.

Attach files to team positions by going to the Team page, selecting a position and then clicking the Attach files button in the details panel.

Use FOLIO in French

French speaking FOLIO users will be glad to learn they can now use it in their preferred language. Simply switch your language preference to French in JIRA and go back to FOLIO.

Access FOLIO quickly from anywhere in JIRA

Moving a lot between JIRA and FOLIO? From anywhere in JIRA, you can now simply hit "g" and then "f" and to be automatically teleported to FOLIO.


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Bug Fixes

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