Steering Committee Report

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Steering Committee Report

The Steering committee report presents a summary of the portfolio's status at a given date. It shows the same financial and health metrics provided by the portfolio's Overview, calculated for the specified date. To access this report, click on the Report tab (or hit '6') and then click on the 'View report' button next to the Steering committee report preview. This will bring up the report with today's date as default. To change the date for which to get the status, simply change the date in the 'Status as of' field. The report will be automatically refreshed when the date changes.

The report can also display indices variations to another date by selecting it in the 'Compared to' field. The following figure shows the Steering committee report with a comparison (reference) date.

A Steering committee report with a reference date

Indices variations are indicated as a colored percentage right next to the index value. They are colored in order to indicate that the change is good (green), that it requires vigilance (yellow) or that it is bad (red). The rules for coloring are the following:

  • If an index did not change, it is colored black
  • If an index moved toward its optimal value, then it is colored green
  • If an index moved away from its optimal value, but is still considered good (has green background), then it is colored yellow
  • If an index moved away from its optimal value and is not considered good (has yellow or red background), then it is colored red.

Note that it means a variation might show up in green when an index increases while the same variation would be shown in red for another index. It all depends on what the optimal value is for that index.

Example 1: Index degraded but still good

The report shows that the Cost Variance index has decreased by 3.99% between the two compared dates. It also indicates that the index is in good shape, but has moved away from its optimal value (positive infinity) since the variation is shown in yellow.

Example 2: Index improved

The report shows that the Schedule Performance index has increased by 42.62% between the two compared dates. Even though the SPI of 0.87 is still considered bad (as indicated by the red background), the index variation indicates an improvement (show in green) since the index has moved towards the its optimal value (positive infinity).

Example 3: Index degraded and not good

The report shows that the Time Estimate at Completion index has increased by 1.15% between the two compared dates. It also indicates that it is a degradation since the index moved away from its optimal value. The variation is shown in red since the current index value is not good.


To get a printing-friendly version without the application template around it, first open the report, then click the 'Printable' item in report's drop-down menu (top right of the parameters panel on the right) or simply by hitting "p" key.

Printing the Steering committee report


Printable Steering committee report

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