Actual Costs Import

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

Actual Costs Import

The Actual Costs Import dialog allows you to import Actual Costs from a CSV file. The following table describes the Actual Costs Import dialog fields:



Import Notes


Defines the category of the expense.
Possible values are

  • OPEX - to define an operating expense
  • CAPEX - to define a capital expenditure
  • FINEX - to define a financial expenditure

(info) Default value if none specified : OPEX


Defines the type of an expense

(info) Default value if none specified : *With no type


The name of the expense

(red star) Mandatory - must be specified


You can specify a description for the expense

(info) Optional


You can specify a reporter for the expense.

(info) Default value if none specified : The importer

Start date

 You must specify the date on which the expense occurred or if recurring the starting date.

(red star) Mandatory - must be specified

End date

 You can specify the date on which the expense stops.

(info) Default value if none specified : Folio end date


The amount of the expense

(red star) Mandatory - must be specified


You can specify if the expense is amortized or not.
Possible values are

  • TRUE - if amortized
  • FALSE - if not amortized

(info) Default value if none specified : FALSE


You can specify the frequency of the recurring expense.
Possible values are

  • ONCE

(info) Default value if none specified : ONCE

Repeat every

You can specify a "repeat frequency" for the recurring expenses

e.g. Repeat every 2 weeks

(info) Default value if none specified : 1


You can specify a maximum number of occurrences for the recurring expenses.

(info) Optional

Repeat on

You can specify which days of the week the recurring expense occurred
Possible values are

  • SU - for Sunday
  • MO - for Monday
  • TU - for Tuesday
  • WE - for Wednesday
  • TH - for Thursday
  • FR - for Friday
  • SA - for Saturday

(warning) Is mandatory if the frequency is set to WEEKLY

Repeat byYou can specify when the monthly recurring expenses occurred - Available only if the frequency is MONTHLY
Possible values are
  • DAY OF MONTH - for the recurrence to be based on the day of the month
    e.g. Monthly on day 31
  • DAY OF WEEK - for the recurrence to be based on the week day
    e.g. Monthly on the first Tuesday
(info) Default value if none specified : DAY OF MONTH
Custom fields

Define the value for a specific custom field

(info) Optional


Define the list of JIRA Issues Labels associate to this expense/position
If you need more than one label for an expense list them with a space as delimiter (ex:"lbl_1 lbl_2 lbl_3 lbl_4")

(info) Optional

You must have the edit rights on the folio to be able to import data.

Costs from resources cannot be imported via the costs screen.  The costs from resources are driven by the team screen.

Each row of the csv file will systematically result in a new expense.



 CSV Example for costs

"Category","Type","Name","Description","Reporter","Amount","Amortized","Start date","End date","Frequency","Repeat every","Occurrences","Repeat on","Repeat by"
"OPEX","Rent & Leasing","3101 Olivette-Marjault, Montreal, Quebec","Head office rent.","admin","2,750.00","","2013/08/31","2013/10/30","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"OPEX","Rent & Leasing","3101 Olivette-Marjault, Montreal, Quebec","Head office rent.","admin","2,800.00","","2013/10/31","","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"OPEX","Representation","Agile Conference - Plane tickets","Plane tickets to San Jose, CA, USA","admin","1,200.00","","2013/10/30","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Agile Conference - Accommodation","Hotel & breakfast","admin","825.75","","2013/10/30","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Agile Conference - Marketing event","Beer, food, T-shirts, etc.","admin","325.00","","2013/10/30","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #1","Sales team meeting to discuss top prospects.","admin","233.77","","2013/09/10","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #2","Sales team meeting to discuss marketing issues.","admin","132.00","","2013/09/13","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to ABC inc.","Demo of product to ABCs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","800.00","","2013/09/20","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #3","Sales team meeting to discuss pricing.","admin","335.00","","2013/09/24","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to DEF inc.","Demo of product to DEFs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","76.22","","2013/09/28","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to XYZ inc.","Demo of product to XYZs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","15.50","","2013/09/28","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #4","Sales team meeting to discuss last hockey game.","admin","1,100.00","","2013/10/15","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to ZED inc.","Demo of product to ZEDs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","322.00","","2013/10/18","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client ABC inc.","Meeting with ABC representatives","admin","154.00","","2013/11/09","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to GHI inc.","Demo of product to GHIs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","155.00","","2013/11/11","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to JKL inc.","Demo of product to JKLs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","235.00","","2013/11/17","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client ZED inc.","Meeting with ZED representatives","admin","37.75","","2013/11/27","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client XYZ inc.","Meeting with XYZ representatives","admin","908.00","","2013/12/01","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client ABC inc.","Meeting with ABC representatives","admin","432.00","","2013/12/09","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Licensing","JIRA license","Product issue tracker and support tool.","admin","4,000.00","","2013/08/31","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Licensing","Confluence (wiki) license","Our team wiki.","admin","4,000.00","","2013/11/19","","","","","",""
"OPEX","Licensing","FOLIO for JIRA license","Simply the best EVM add-on so far!","admin","2,000.00","","2013/08/31","","","","","",""
"CAPEX","Equipment","Color laser printer","Heavy duty printer","admin","23,500.00","true","2013/11/29","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"CAPEX","Equipment","Desks and chairs","Desks & ergonomic chairs","admin","12,000.00","true","2013/11/24","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"CAPEX","Equipment","Developer laptop #1","Code #122948334-234","admin","12,000.00","true","2013/08/31","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"CAPEX","Equipment","Developer laptop #2","Code #122948334-234","admin","13,000.00","true","2013/11/14","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"CAPEX","Equipment","Developer laptop #3","Code #122948334-234","admin","2,000.00","true","2013/11/09","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"CAPEX","Legal","Algorithm patent","If we need one...","admin","1,820.00","","2013/12/02","","","","","",""
"CAPEX","Legal","Product copy rights and licensing","Legal stuff for the product licensing","admin","3,000.00","","2013/11/12","","","","","",""
"FINEX","Loans & Credits","Bank loan","Expected loan for initial cash flow","admin","520.00","","2013/08/31","","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH"