The worked hours is an essential
In the case where the option to synchronize the worked hours with the JIRA worklogs is selected the worked hours cannot be added, updated or even removed manually. Any modification will have to be done directly within the Issue worklogs. Add Worked HoursTo add worked hours click on the "Add Worked Hours" button in the top right corner of the worked hours section located in the team member details.
To submit your changes hit return or click anywhere in the page.
Not available if the worked hours are synchronized with the JIRA worklogs
Edit Worked HoursTo edit worked hours click on the worked hours row itself of the worked hours table of the worked hours section located in the team member details. To submit your changes hit return or click anywhere in the page.
Not available if the worked hours are synchronized with the JIRA worklogs
Delete Worked HoursTo delete worked hours simply click on the "trash" icon on the row of the worked hours to be deleted in the worked hours table of the worked hours section located in the team member details. Not available if the worked hours are synchronized with the JIRA worklogs Synchronized Worked Hours
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