Folio Overview

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

Folio Overview

The Folio Overview page allows you to see the current performance and progress of a folio.
It is subdivided into four sections: Summary, Health, Financial and Budget vs Actual.


The status defines the state of a folio.

  1. PENDING: A folio that its start date is in the future (was not executed or being executed)
  2. EXECUTING: A folio that its start date is in the past and its end date in the future. (Is being currently executed)
  3. EXPIRED. A folio that its start date and end date are in the past. (was executed but not marked as closed)
  4. CLOSED. A folio that was manually set as closed via the "Folio" action menu


The summary section of the overview shows a summary description of the folio.

The following table describes the various fields of the summary section.


Current folio owner.

  • Clicking on owner's name will take you on owner's JIRA User information page.
  • Hovering the mouse over the owner's name will open an inline dialog box that offers more information and actions related to that user.

Saved filter

JIRA Issue Filter use to define the folio scope.

Note that clicking on the saved filter field will bring you to the saved filter definition.

Start Date

This is the date from which you want to start reporting expenses and positions in a folio.

End Date

This is the date the folio ends. This is a critical date since it gives the pace of progress the team
should maintain to successfully complete the folio scope.

Team SizeThe number of members of the current folio team. Clicking on Team size number will bring you to the Folio Team.
Current Average WageCurrent average team member wage. Clicking on Team size number will bring you to the Folio Team.
Total Working DaysTotal number of days between the start and end date of the folio.
The working days are computed based on the JIRA Time Tracking 'days per week'
setting and the non working days defined in the folio's configuration.
Working Days Left

Number of working days left until the planned completion date.

Earned Value FieldEarned value (EV) offers better progress measurement. When earned value is used, you only get credit for work done when a task is complete.
Each task is assigned a percent value, so that all of the project tasks total one hundred percent.

Earned Unit Value

Earned Unit Value roughly indicates the cost of a single earned value unit.
It is computed by simply dividing the Budget at Completion (BAC) by the total Earned Value of the project.
Σ Selected Earned Field Indicates the total sum of Selected Earned Field of the folio.
It is computed based on the issues that are part of the project's scope defined by the saved filter.
Remaining Selected Earned Field Indicates the remaining sum of Selected Earned Field  of the folio to date. 
It is computed based on the issues that are not yet completed following the Earning rule defined in the folio's configuration.
Completion RatioThe completion ratio indicates how much Earned values (defining earned value) were completed vs the project's total. 
It is computed by dividing the completed Earned values to date by the total Earned values at completion.

Clicking on information icon will show you online definitions of elements displayed in summary section

Note: clicking on lozenges or on values such as "Working Days Left" will display the clicked item definition.


The Financial section displays money related information, such as budget, actual and earned value totals to date and estimates.


The following table describes the various fields of the financial section.

Budget TotalTotal planned budget for the current folio. Clicking on budget amount will bring you to the Folio Budget.
Actual cost to dateActual cost up to now. Clicking on actual amount will bring you to the Folio Actual.
Planned Value to dateIndicates the Budgeted value that should have been completed to date.
Earned Value to dateIndicates the Earned value that have been completed to date. It is computed by multiplying the Completion ratio to date by the Budget at Completion of the folio.
Estimate at CompletionThe Estimate at Completion (EAC) is the estimated cost of the project at the end of the project. It is the highest value between the future known actual cost at completion and the computed value from the division between the Planned Value at Completion and the Cost Performance Index (CPI).
Estimate to CompleteThe Estimate to Complete (ETC) is the estimated cost required to complete the project. It is the highest value between the future known actual cost to completion and the computed value from
the subtraction of the Earned Value from the Planned value at completion divided by the Cost Performance Index (CPI).
Revenue to dateIndicates the Revenue earned to date. Clicking on revenue amount will bring you to the Folio Revenue.
Note that this value is shown only if the folio is set to track revenues (see Folio Configuration).
Profit to dateIndicates the folio profit to date.
Note that this value is shown only if the folio is set to track revenues (see Folio Configuration).
Clicking on information icon will show you online definitions of elements displayed in financial section. Also, clicking on lozenges or on values such as "Earned Value to date" left will display the clicked item definition.


The Health section of the overview shows EVM metrics of the folio.











The following table describes the various fields of the health section.

On Budget (Cost Variance)This index (CV) determines if the project is under or over the budget. 
It is computed by subtracting the Actual Cost from the Earned Value divided by the Earned Value. 
A negative value indicates that the project is over budget.

On Time (Schedule Variance)

This index (SV) determines whether the project is ahead of or behind schedule. 
It is computed by subtracting the Planned Value to date from the Earned Value divided by the Planned Value to date. 
A negative value indicates that the project is behind schedule.
Cost Performance IndexThis index (CPI) determines how efficiently the team is using its resources.
It is computed by dividing the Earned Value by the Actual Cost.
A value lower than one indicates a loss of efficiency.

Schedule Performance Index

This index (SPI) determines how efficiently the project team is using its time. 
It is computed by dividing the Earned Value by the Planned Value to date. 
A value lower than one indicates a loss of efficiency.
To-Complete Performance IndexThis index (TCPI) determines the efficiency that must be achieved on the remaining work for a project to meet the Budget at Completion.
It is computed by dividing the work remaining (BAC - EV to date) by the budget remaining (BAC - AC to date).

A value greater than one indicates that the performance must improve.
Time Estimate at CompletionThis index (EACt) determines a rough estimate in working days of when the project will be completed, 
if current trends continue. It is computed by dividing the remaining days by the Schedule Performance Index (SPI).
Variance at CompletionThis index (VAC) determines whether the project will finish under or over budget. 
It is computed by subtracting the Estimate at Completion from the Budget at Completion divided by the Budget at Completion. 
A negative value indicates how much more resources will need to be injected to achieve the project goal.

Clicking on information icon will show you online definitions of elements displayed in the health section. Also, clicking on lozenges will display the clicked item definition.

Budget vs Actual


The Budget vs Actual section shows a chart that displays folio's total planned value, actual cost, earned value and revenue* over time, week by week. Clicking on the bars or line will open a tooltip with precise Planned value, Actual cost and Earned value at the end of the selected week. Also, clicking on Budget, Actual or Revenue* in the legend will bring you to the Folio Budget, Folio Actual and Folio Revenue* respectively.

*If the folio is set to track revenues (see Folio Configuration). 

The following is an example Budget vs Actual chart of a folio.



PVPlanned ValuePlanned Value at a given point in time.
ACActual CostKnown cost of work performed at a given point in time.
EVEarned ValueMeasure of work performed at a given point in time.
BACBudget At CompletionTotal Budget estimated.
CPICost Performance Index

Determines how efficiently the team is using its resources.


  • Favorable if over 1.0.
  • Unfavorable if under 1.0. 
SPISchedule Performance Index

Determines how efficiently the project team is using its time.


  • Favorable if over 1.0.
  • Unfavorable if under 1.0.
TCPITo-Complete Performance Index

Determines the efficiency that must be achieved on the remaining work for a project to meet the Budget at Completion

(BAC - EV) / (BAC - AC) 

CVCost Variance

Determines if the project is over or under budget.


  • Under budget if over 0.

  • Over budget if under 0.

SVSchedule Variance

Determines if the project is ahead or behind budget


  • Ahead of schedule if over 0.
  • Behind schedule if under 0.

SV% = SV / PB

  • Convert SV to Percentage
VACVariance At Completion

Determines whether the project will finish under or over budget.


  • Under budget if over 0.

  • Over budget if under 0.


  • Convert VAC to Percentage
ETCEstimate To Complete

Estimated cost of the project at the end of the project

ETC = (BAC - EV) / CPI

EACEstimate At Completion

Estimated cost to complete the project


EACtTime Estimate At Completion

Rough estimate in working days of when the project will be completed.

(BAC / SPI) / (BAC / total planned time)