Using Keyboard Shortcuts

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts provide a quick and easy way of navigating through FOLIO and performing fundamental actions on expenses, positions and team members without having to take your fingers off the keyboard.

Global Shortcuts

OperationKeyboard Shortcut Description of the action
From any where in Jira"g" and then "f""g" and then "f"Directs you to the last visited FOLIO Page
Get to Overview page'1'
'1' Directs you to the Folio Overview page
Get to Budget page'2''2'Directs you to the Folio Budget page 
Get to Actual page'3'
'3'Directs you to the Folio Actual page 
Get to Team page'4'
'4' Directs you to the Folio Team page 
Get to Forecast page'5' '5' Directs you to the Folio Forecast page 
Get to Report page'6''6'Directs you to the Folio Report page 


Commons Shortcuts for Budget, Actual and Team pages

OperationKeyboard Shortcut Description of the action
Budget - Actual - Team

On Budget or Actual pages > Open the dialog box Add expense
On Team page > Open the dialog box Add team member 


If a position is selected > open the dialog box Edit position
If a expense is selected > open the dialog box Edit expense
If a team member is selected > open the dialog box Edit team member

DeletedsDeleting selected item(s)




Go to the next item (down).

Multi selection

'SHIFT' - j 

'SHIFT' - j Select multiple items (down)




Go to the previous item (up).

Multi selection'SHIFT' - k'SHIFT' - kSelect multiple items(up).
Add positionooOn Budget page > Open the dialog box Add position  
Copy To ActualtvCopy selected budget expense(s) to actual
Display ScopesrDisplay the folio scope in the right panel
Import TeamiiImports a team from another folio (see Team Member Operations)
Display WorkLogs InspectorwhDisplay de WorkLogs Inspector in the detail section (see WorkLogs Inspector)
Next pointjjGo to the previous point(left).
previous pointkkGo to the next point(right).
PrintppGo to the print page
Back to reportEscapeEscapeGo back to the report screen
Back to report listEscapeEscapeGo back to the available report screen
Copy foliovvCopy selected folio (only if one is selected)
Delete folioddDelete selected folio (only if one is selected)
Create new folionnCreate a new folio

Note that all other JIRA Shortcuts are also available.