The following table shows all actual costs fields that are exported and the description of their contents. | |
Category | The category of the expense. May contains either Actual Costs - OPEX - to define an operating expense
- CAPEX - to define a capital expenditure
- FINEX - to define a financial expenditure
Actual Revenues - OPERATING - to define an operating revenue
- CONSULTING - to define a consulting revenue
- NON_OPERATING - to define a non-operating revenue
| Type | The type of an expense | Name | The name of the expense | Description | The description for the expense | Reporter | The reporter for the expense. | Start date | The date on which the expense occurred or if recurring the starting date. | End date | The date on which the expense stops. | Amount | The amount of the expense | Amortized | You can specify if the expense is amortized or not. May contains either - TRUE - if amortized
- Nothing if not amortized
| Frequency | The frequency of the recurring expense. May contains either - WEEKLY
- Nothing if Once
| Repeat every | The "repeat frequency" for the recurring expenses | Occurrences | The maximum number of occurrences for the recurring expenses. | Repeat on | Days of the week the recurring expense occurred (only when frequency is set to WEEKLY) May contains a combination of the following values - SU - for Sunday
- MO - for Monday
- TU - for Tuesday
- WE - for Wednesday
- TH - for Thursday
- FR - for Friday
- SA - for Saturday
| Repeat by | The monthly recurring expenses occurred - (only when frequency is set to MONTHLY) May contains either
- DAY OF MONTH - for the recurrence to be based on the day of the month
e.g. Monthly on day 31 - DAY OF WEEK - for the recurrence to be based on the week day
e.g. Monthly on the first Tuesday
| Custom fields | The value for a specific custom field | Labels | Contains the list of JIRA Issues Labels associate to this expense/position | ADDITIONAL EXPORTED FIELDS WHEN EXPORTING ACTUAL REVENUES |
Effort | The effort planned for the position (in hours) | Wage | The wage for each position (hourly rate). | Allocation | The allocation planned for the position (%) |
Exported CSV Example (Costs) "Category","Type","Name","Description","Reporter","Amount","Amortized","Start date","End date","Frequency","Repeat every","Occurrences","Repeat on","Repeat by" "OPEX","Rent & Leasing","3101 Olivette-Marjault, Montreal, Quebec","Head office rent.","admin","2,750.00","","2013/09/03","2013/11/02","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "OPEX","Rent & Leasing","3101 Olivette-Marjault, Montreal, Quebec","Head office rent.","admin","2,800.00","","2013/11/03","","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "OPEX","Representation","Agile Conference - Plane tickets","Plane tickets to San Jose, CA, USA","admin","1,200.00","","2013/11/02","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Agile Conference - Accommodation","Hotel & breakfast","admin","825.75","","2013/11/02","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Agile Conference - Marketing event","Beer, food, T-shirts, etc.","admin","325.00","","2013/11/02","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #1","Sales team meeting to discuss top prospects.","admin","233.77","","2013/09/13","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #2","Sales team meeting to discuss marketing issues.","admin","132.00","","2013/09/16","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to ABC inc.","Demo of product to ABCs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","800.00","","2013/09/23","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #3","Sales team meeting to discuss pricing.","admin","335.00","","2013/09/27","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to DEF inc.","Demo of product to DEFs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","76.22","","2013/10/01","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to XYZ inc.","Demo of product to XYZs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","15.50","","2013/10/01","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Sales strategy meeting #4","Sales team meeting to discuss last hockey game.","admin","1,100.00","","2013/10/18","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to ZED inc.","Demo of product to ZEDs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","322.00","","2013/10/21","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client ABC inc.","Meeting with ABC representatives","admin","154.00","","2013/11/12","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to GHI inc.","Demo of product to GHIs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","155.00","","2013/11/14","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Product Demo to JKL inc.","Demo of product to JKLs office. Includes travel and accommodation.","admin","235.00","","2013/11/20","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client ZED inc.","Meeting with ZED representatives","admin","37.75","","2013/11/30","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client XYZ inc.","Meeting with XYZ representatives","admin","908.00","","2013/12/04","","","","","","" "OPEX","Representation","Restaurant - Meeting client ABC inc.","Meeting with ABC representatives","admin","432.00","","2013/12/12","","","","","","" "OPEX","Licensing","JIRA license","Product issue tracker and support tool.","admin","4,000.00","","2013/09/03","","","","","","" "OPEX","Licensing","Confluence (wiki) license","Our team wiki.","admin","4,000.00","","2013/11/22","","","","","","" "OPEX","Licensing","FOLIO for JIRA license","Simply the best EVM add-on so far!","admin","2,000.00","","2013/09/03","","","","","","" "CAPEX","Equipment","Color laser printer","Heavy duty printer","admin","23,500.00","true","2013/12/02","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "CAPEX","Equipment","Desks and chairs","Desks & ergonomic chairs","admin","12,000.00","true","2013/11/27","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "CAPEX","Equipment","Developer laptop #1","Code #122948334-234","admin","12,000.00","true","2013/09/03","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "CAPEX","Equipment","Developer laptop #2","Code #122948334-234","admin","13,000.00","true","2013/11/17","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "CAPEX","Equipment","Developer laptop #3","Code #122948334-234","admin","2,000.00","true","2013/11/12","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "CAPEX","Legal","Algorithm patent","If we need one...","admin","1,820.00","","2013/12/05","","","","","","" "CAPEX","Legal","Product copy rights and licensing","Legal stuff for the product licensing","admin","3,000.00","","2013/11/15","","","","","","" "FINEX","Loans & Credits","Bank loan","Expected loan for initial cash flow","admin","520.00","","2013/09/03","","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH" Exported CSV Example (Revenues) "Category","Type","Name","Member","Description","Reporter","Amount","Amortized","Wage","Allocation","Worked Hours","Start date","End date","Frequency","Repeat every","Occurrences","Repeat on","Repeat by","Labels" "CONSULTING","Scrum Master","admin","admin","Part time as a Scrum Master for sub team B.","admin","","","50.00","45.0000","","2013/11/19","2014/08/06","","","","","" "CONSULTING","Development","admin","admin","Part time as a senior JAVA dev on sub team A.","admin","","","55.00","55.0000","","2013/11/19","2014/08/06","","","","","" "OPERATING","Rent & Leasing","3101 Olivette-Marjault, Montreal, Quebec","","Head office rent.","admin","2,750.00","","","","","2013/11/19","2014/01/18","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "OPERATING","Rent & Leasing","3101 Olivette-Marjault, Montreal, Quebec","","Head office rent.","admin","2,800.00","","","","","2014/01/19","","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH" "OPERATING","Licensing","JIRA license","","Product issue tracker and support tool.","admin","4,000.00","","","","","2013/11/19","","","","","","" "OPERATING","Licensing","Confluence (wiki) license","","Our team wiki.","admin","4,000.00","","","","","2014/02/07","","","","","","" "OPERATING","Licensing","FOLIO for JIRA license","","Simply the best EVM add-on so far!","admin","2,000.00","","","","","2013/11/19","","","","","","" "NON_OPERATING","Equipment","Color laser printer","","Heavy duty printer","admin","23,500.00","true","","","","2014/02/17","","MONTHLY","1","12","","DAY_OF_MONTH" | |