Installing FOLIO

This is the documentation for an older version of Folio and has been moved to the Tempo instance.
Please view the Folio Category in the Tempo Products Wiki Categories for all versions of Folio's Documentation.

Installing FOLIO



Before you begin

Please note the following information before you install/upgrade/remove FOLIO:

  • You must have the 'JIRA System Administrators'global permission before you can carry out the instructions on this page.
  • Please check the Supported Platforms to ensure your version of JIRA supports the intended FOLIO version.
  • Internet Explorer 7 and unde is not supported. If you are currently using Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Internet Explorer 9.


FOLIO will add additional tables to the JIRA database. Enabling or disabling FOLIO within your installed plugins will not cause any damage to your JIRA data.


Installing FOLIO

Installing the FOLIO Plugin

Installing FOLIO is no different to installing any other JIRA plugin (see Managing JIRA's Plugins):

  1. Log in to JIRA as a user with the 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission.
  2. Click the Administration link on the top bar to open the JIRA administration console.
  3. Select Plugins > Plugins. The Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) page will be displayed (see Managing JIRA's Plugins).
  4. Click the Install tab in the UPM. The Find new plugin page will display, showing the featured plugins available for JIRA.
  5. Type 'FOLIO' in the Search the Plugin Exchange box and click the Search button.
  6. The FOLIO plugin will appear in the Featured Plugins section on the Install tab. Click the Install button. A confirmation message and the plugin details will display, if it is installed successfully.

Installing the FOLIO Plugin

Installing FOLIO is no different to installing any other JIRA plugin (see Managing JIRA's Plugins):

  1. Log in to JIRA as a user with the 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission.
  2. Click the Administration link on the top bar to open the JIRA administration console.
  3. Select Plugins > Plugins. The Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) page will be displayed (see Managing JIRA's Plugins).
  4. Click the Install tab in the UPM. The Find new plugin page will display, showing the featured plugins available for JIRA.
  5. Type 'FOLIO' in the Search the Plugin Exchange box and click the Search button.
  6. The FOLIO plugin will appear in the Featured Plugins section on the Install tab. Click the Install button. A confirmation message and the plugin details will display, if it is installed successfully.

Entering your FOLIO License

To enter your FOLIO License details:

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission.
  2. Click the Administration link on the top bar.
  3. Select Plugins > Plugins. The Universal Plugin Manager page will be displayed (see Managing JIRA's Plugins).
  4. Click the FOLIO section to expand it.
  5. Paste your license into theLicense Key field and click Add.



You can copy your FOLIO license from https://my.atlassian.com, where you can either generate a new Evaluation License Key, or retrieve your old License Key if you already have one.


If you need to change your FOLIO license details at any time in the future, please refer to Specifying your License Details. FOLIO license must match JIRA license.
Please note, if you are using a commercial (i.e. not an evaluation) license for FOLIO, it must match your JIRA license. For example, if you have a JIRA 25 User Commercial license you must have a FOLIO 25 User Commercial license. FOLIO evaluation licenses do not need to match JIRA licenses.


Starting FOLIO

Click the 'FOLIO' tab to go to FOLIO.

Configuring FOLIO

To configure FOLIO, read the FOLIO Documentation.

Which languages are supported?

For now, English. More languages will be supported in future releases.



Upgrading FOLIO

(warning) Before you begin, please read the latest  FOLIO 3.7 Release Notes and version-specific Upgrade Notes, and ensure that you are running a version of JIRA that is compatible with your new version of FOLIO.

To upgrade FOLIO:

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA System Administrators'global permission.
  2. Click the 'Administration' link on the top bar to open the JIRA administration console.
  3. Select 'System > Plugins' to open the 'Universal Plugin Manager'. The 'Universal Plugin Manager' will be displayed, showing the plugins installed on your JIRA instance.
  4. On the 'Manage My Plugins' tab, check the 'Available Updates' section and locate 'FOLIO'.

  5. Click the 'Update' button.


To upgrade FOLIO manually (e.g. if your FOLIO system does not have internet access), please download the FOLIO plugin then follow the manual installation instructions at Installing Add-ons.


Disabling FOLIO

To disable FOLIO:

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission.
  2. Click the 'Administration' link on the top bar to open the JIRA administration console.
  3. Select 'System > Plugins' to open the 'Universal Plugin Manager'. The 'Universal Plugin Manager' will be displayed, showing the plugins installed on your JIRA instance.
  4. Click the 'Manage Existing' tab. The plugins currently installed in JIRA will be displayed.
  5. Click the FOLIO plugin. The details for the FOLIO plugin will display.
  6. Click the 'Disable' button.

Getting Help

You may find your answer in our FAQ section. Else FOLIO's documentation contains information about using and administering FOLIO for JIRA. If you cannot find your answer in our documentation, you can submit your question to the Atlassian's user-based community at Atlassian Answers or contact our FOLIO team directly.

Got some Issues? 

 For production or evaluation issues, please feel free to report them directly in FOLIO's backlog. A support engineer will follow up with you quickly.

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