Creating a Folio

Creating a Folio

Project managers must constantly juggle with time, scope and budget; the well-known constraint triangle. Tempo Folio helps you deal with that by letting you define a financial plan, a scope and a time frame through Folios.

Creating a Folio from the Getting Started page

You access the Getting Started page from Tempo's main menu (Tempo > Folio > Getting started). From the Getting started page you will be able to create a Folio by clicking the Create a new folio link. This page gives you access to the user documentation, the latest release notes and many other useful links and information.

Creating a Folio from the Manage Portfolios page

You access the Manage Portfolios page from Tempo's main menu (Tempo > FOLIOS > more...). When in the Manage Portfolios page, you can create a Folio by clicking the Create New Folio button.


Creating a Folio from inside another Folio

You can create a Folio by clicking the Create item in the Folio action menu when you are currently viewing a Folio. The Folio action menu is available in all pages of a Folio.


Folio Type selection

Once you are presented with the Folio creation dialog, you can proceed with Folio creation in various ways.


Each Folio Type presented can be used to set up a Folio configured to attain certain management goals. Any setting ending up in the Folio's configuration following the selection of a Folio Type is fully editable and reversible, if need be. Once you have selected the Folio type, click Next to bring up the Create Folio dialog.

Earned Value Management

Earned value management (EVM) is a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress. It has the ability to combine measurements of the project management triangle: Scope, Schedule, and Costs. In a single integrated system, Earned Value Management is able to provide accurate forecasts of project performance problems. This is ideal when you have a budget up-front and the scope is relatively stable and is estimated.

An EVM Folio tracks only Costs by default, but you can activate Revenues tracking as well from the Folio's configuration (Accounting > Track Revenues) at any point in time.

Simple Cost Management

Track actual expenditures of a project and put them in contrast with planned baseline. Derive basic forecasts and time estimates. When not using EVM, you can choose to get a completion ratio and estimate cost at completion based on project schedule progress (number of worked days vs the number of remaining working days in Folio's timeframe), rather than on tasks progress (the default).

Costs and Revenues Management

Same as Simple Cost Management, except it adds support for tracking Revenues as well and provides information about profitability.

Sample Folio

Select this option for example if you are evaluating or want to demonstrate Folio with mock data. This allows you to safely explore Tempo Folio's features by creating a JIRA project and an associated Folio as it would be while in progress. Please refer to the Sample project page for more information.

Create Folio Dialog

Once the Folio Type is selected and Next button is clicked, the Create Folio Dialog appears. Fill-in the dialog and click Create to proceed with the Folio creation.


Required Parameters

Name of the folio.
Maximum of 255 characters

Start Date

Date from which expenses and revenues defined in the Folio will be taken into account. This would normally be the date at which the team is planned to start working on the scope of the Folio.
Must be before the end date

End Date

Date until which expenses and revenues defined in the Folio will be taken into account. This is the planned end date of the project and is critical since it defines the pace of progress the team should maintain to successfully complete the Folio's scope.
Must be after the start date

Workload SchemeTempo Workload Scheme that determines the weekly schedule (Hours per day, days per week) of resources of the Folio.
Holiday Scheme

Tempo Holiday Scheme that determines the non-working days of resources of the Folio.


Folio scope

The Folio scope is a list of JIRA issues, defined by a JIRA saved filter. When a Folio is created, FOLIO automatically creates a saved filter owned by the user creating the Folio. The filter can be seen in the folio's configuration, under the Scope tab. The filter is private by default but can easily be shared by editing the shares of the saved filter. Unless the folio is associated with an Agile board, the query of the saved filter can be modified at any time.

Project, Filter or Board.

Project: List of JIRA projects that will constitute the scope of the Folio. Use this option when the scope of the folio should include all issues belonging to one or more existing JIRA projects. To add a project, start typing its name in the Projects field and select the project in the suggestion list. Repeat for every project to add. Note that to get cross-project views, you should define Portfolios instead.

Filter: Existing JIRA saved filter that will define the scope of the Folio. Use this option when the scope of the Folio should be based on an existing Saved filter. This gives you total flexibility on how the list of issues for the Folio is defined.

Board: Scrum or Kanban board to associate your Folio with. Only the boards you can see will be available as options. Use this option when you want to track a project based on an Agile Board. The scope will be defined by the filter of the board and most of the Folio's configuration settings such as the working days and the earning rules will be driven by the Board's configuration settings, avoiding duplication.

Board option is only available if you have GreenHopper 6.1.1 or higher installed and fully lincenced.

The saved filter associated with a Folio created from an Agile Board will be kept synchronized with the Board's saved filter query. Any changes made on the query of the Folio's filter will be ignored.

Optional Parameters
DescriptionDetailed description of the Folio.





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