Actual Revenues Import

Actual Revenues Import

The Actual Revenues Import dialog allows you to import Actual Revenues from a CSV file. The following table describes the Actual Revenues Import dialog fields:



Import Notes


Defines the category of the revenue.
Possible values are

  • OPERATING - to define an operating revenue
  • CONSULTING - to define a Consulting revenue
  • NON_OPERATING - to define a non-operating revenue

(info) Default value if none specified : OPEX


Defines the type of a revenue or the title of a consulting revenue

(info) Default value if none specified : *With no type


The name of the revenue

(red star) Mandatory - must be specified int the case of revenue


You can specify a description for the revenue/consulting revenue

(info) Optional


You can specify a reporter for the revenue/consulting revenue

(info) Default value if none specified : The importer

Start date

 You must specify the date on which the revenue occurred or if recurring or a consulting revenue the starting date.

(red star)(star) Mandatory - must be specified

End date

 You can specify the date on which the revenue/consulting revenue ends.

(star) Mandatory - must be specified in the case of a consulting revenue

Custom fields

Define the value for a specific custom field

(info) Optional


Define the list of JIRA Issues Labels associate to this expense/position
If you need more than one label for an expense list them with a space as delimiter (ex:"lbl_1 lbl_2 lbl_3 lbl_4")

(info) Optional



The amount of the revenue

(red star) Mandatory - must be specified if row is a revenue


You can specify if the revenue is amortized or not.
Possible values are

  • TRUE - if amortized
  • FALSE - if not amortized

(info) Default value if none specified : FALSE


You can specify the frequency of the recurring revenue.
Possible values are

  • ONCE

(info) Default value if none specified : ONCE

Repeat every

You can specify a "repeat frequency" for the recurring revenues

e.g. Repeat every 2 weeks

(info) Default value if none specified : 1


You can specify a maximum number of occurrences for the recurring revenues.

(info) Optional

Repeat on

You can specify which days of the week the recurring revenue occurred
Possible values are

  • SU - for Sunday
  • MO - for Monday
  • TU - for Tuesday
  • WE - for Wednesday
  • TH - for Thursday
  • FR - for Friday
  • SA - for Saturday

(warning) Is mandatory if the frequency is set to WEEKLY

Repeat byYou can specify when the monthly recurring revenue occurred - Available only if the frequency is MONTHLY
Possible values are
  • DAY OF MONTH - for the recurrence to be based on the day of the month
    e.g. Monthly on day 31
  • DAY OF WEEK - for the recurrence to be based on the week day
    e.g. Monthly on the first Tuesday
(info) Default value if none specified : DAY OF MONTH


You can specify a wage for the consulting revenue (hourly rate).

(info) Optional if the consulting revenue already exists in folio else must be defined.


You can specify the billable ratio (%) - Portion of the worked hours that are billable.

(info) Default value if none specified : 100%

Worked Hours

You can specify the hours worked in the period defined by the start date and end date

(info) Default value if none specified : Computed based on allocation table

You must have the edit rights on the folio to be able to import data.

 CSV Example for revenue

"Category","Type","Name","Member","Description","Reporter","Amount","Amortized","Wage","Allocation","Worked Hours","Start date","End date","Frequency","Repeat every","Occurrences","Repeat on","Repeat by"
"CONSULTING","Scrum Master","admin","admin","Part time as a Scrum Master for sub team B.","admin","","","50.00","45.0000","","2013/08/31","2014/05/18","","","","",""
"CONSULTING","Development","admin","admin","Part time as a senior JAVA dev on sub team A.","admin","","","55.00","55.0000","","2013/08/31","2014/05/18","","","","",""
"CONSULTING","Development","admin","admin","Part time as a senior JAVA dev on sub team A.","admin","","","","","270.40","2013/08/31","2013/12/01","","","","",""
"OPERATING","Sales","Licenses","","Revenue originating directly from the licensing sales.","admin","3,000.00","","","","","2013/08/31","2013/10/30","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH"
"NON_OPERATING","Memberships","Parking fees","","From the parking fees charged to the employees. Hide a bike!","admin","1,200.00","","","","","2013/10/31","","MONTHLY","1","","","DAY_OF_MONTH"

 CSV Example for importing billable hours

"Member","type","Worked Hours","Start date","End date"
"admin","Scrum Master",50,31/08/13,15/09/13
"admin","Scrum Master",52,16/09/13,30/09/13
"admin","Scrum Master",45,01/10/13,15/10/13

When importing billable hours you must specify the member (JIRA user key) and the its title.